Northern Beaches Hand Therapy
Northern Beaches Hand Therapy is a private hand therapy practice, located within Peninsula Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine on the Northern Beaches. We provide hand therapy for people with disorders of the hand and upper limb, including the provision of splints, casts and assistive devices.
We work closely with consultant hand surgeons, including Drs Mark Hile and Anna Watson, who consult from Peninsula Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine. We also encourage referral from general practitioners and physiotherapists, and also welcome patient's attendance without referral.
This practice is staffed by extremely experienced hand therapists, both physiotherapists and occupational therapists, who have been concentrating on treating the hand and upper limb for many years. The majority of staff employees are full members of thee Australian Hand Therapy Association. Consultations are generally available from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, by appointment. We are happy to liaise with your family doctor, surgeon, insurance company or rehabilitation provider in relation to your management, but will only do so with your prior agreement.
Northern Beaches Hand Therapy is an accredited physiotherapy practice with the Quality in Practice program associated with the Australian Physiotherapy Association. We offer HICAPS for immediate private health fund rebate, and are happy to comply with WorkCover Guidelines for patients injured at work.
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We work closely with consultant hand surgeons, including Drs Mark Hile and Anna Watson, who consult from Peninsula Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine. We also encourage referral from general practitioners and physiotherapists, and also welcome patient's attendance without referral.
This practice is staffed by extremely experienced hand therapists, both physiotherapists and occupational therapists, who have been concentrating on treating the hand and upper limb for many years. The majority of staff employees are full members of thee Australian Hand Therapy Association. Consultations are generally available from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, by appointment. We are happy to liaise with your family doctor, surgeon, insurance company or rehabilitation provider in relation to your management, but will only do so with your prior agreement.
Northern Beaches Hand Therapy is an accredited physiotherapy practice with the Quality in Practice program associated with the Australian Physiotherapy Association. We offer HICAPS for immediate private health fund rebate, and are happy to comply with WorkCover Guidelines for patients injured at work.
Visit us at
Therapeutic modalities may include:
- Application of EXOS fracture brace
- Application and removal of waterproof fiberglass casts
- Fabrication and fitting of custom made neoprene supports for thumb and wrist
- Fabrication of leather wrist braces
- Fabrication of thermoplastic splints, both static and dynamic
- Desensitisation techniques including vibration, immersion and tapping
- Electrotherapy modalities, including laser, TENS and ultrasound
- Ergonomic modifications
- Exercise therapy, including stretches, strengthening and proprioceptive exercises
- Functional assessment and advice on activities of daily living
- Joint protection and energy conservation for arthritis
- Mobilisation techniques
- Oedema and wound management, including dressing changes
- Application of plaster back-slabs
- Scar management, including application of silicone products
- Serial casting for joint contracture
- Sports taping for thumb, fingers and wrist
- Work and activity hardening

Anne Wajon, PhD, CHT
Principal Physiotherapist
Anne is a Certified Hand Therapist, a member or the Australian Hand Therapy Association, and the Australian Physiotherapy Association. She currently works at Dee Why by appointment only and consults at the Mater with Dr Mark Hile every second Thursday afternoon. Anne also consults at Macquarie Hand Therapy.
By appointment only -
Rebecca Crowley, CHT
Rebecca is an Accredited Hand Therapist (as awarded by the AHTA), Certified Hand Therapist (USA) and currently consults on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays -
Kate Pearson, CHT
Kate is an Accredited Hand Therapist (as awarded by the AHTA), Certified Hand Therapist (USA) and currently consults on Mondays and Thursdays.
Mondays and Thursdays -
Angela Frigerio
Occupational Therapist
Angela is an Accredited Hand Therapist (as awarded by AHTA). ​She consults on Tuesdays and at our rooms in Dee Why on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Tuesdays -
Heather Taylor, CHT
Heather has been with the team since 1998. Heather is an Accredited Hand Therapist (as awarded by the AHTA), Certified Hand Therapist (USA) and currently consults on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays -
Nina Thompson, CHT
Nina is an Accredited Hand Therapist (as awarded by the AHTA) and Certified Hand Therapist (USA). She is a member of the AHTA and Australian Physiotherapist Association.
Nina consults at Northern Beaches Hand Therapy on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and Pacific Hand Therapy on Tuesdays.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays -
Alana Mastroianni
Alana is an associate member of the AHTA. She is eager to gain more experience in hand therapy by working together with our knowledgeable therapists and hand surgeons.
Outside of work Alana enjoys waterskiing and spending time with her big family!
Alana consults from Northern Beaches Hand Therapy on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. She consults from Pacific Hand Therapy on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays -
Emma Douglass
Since graduating Emma has worked at Concord Repatriation General Hospital and the Northern Beaches Hospital where she has gained experience in various areas including Acute Stroke Unit, Orthopaedics, Rehabilitation, Intensive Care and Aged Care. Emma enjoys working alongside our experienced hand therapists and surgeons and is excited to expand her knowledge and skills in hand therapy.
Outside of work Emma enjoys travelling and going to the beach. Emma consults at Northern Beaches Hand Therapy and Pacific Hand Therapy in Dee Why.